Sinus Graft Surgery

After Your Surgery

Post-Operative Instructions

If you had sinus grafting or a sinus lift procedure done, you may or may not have had a dental implant placed at the same time as surgery. If you had implants placed, there might be a round metal cylinder (healing abutment) protruding through the gums. Be very gentle with the areas and do not disturb the sutures. You may begin very gently rinsing on the first day.

After this sinus grafting, it is common to have swelling below the eyelids and discoloration or bruising. This will take time to resolve. You may also notice some bleeding from the nose; this is normal following sinus grafting, as long as it is not excessive or severe. If it is severe, call us immediately.

Avoid blowing your nose or bending over. Avoid anything that will increase pressure to your sinus area, such as bending over, or heavy lifting. Also, if you need to sneeze or cough, keep your mouth open and do not pinch your nose while sneezing or coughing to prevent pressure buildup in the sinus and nasal regions.

Immediately Following Surgery

The gauze pack should be kept in place with firm pressure over the area of the sinus graft. Remove the pack after 30 minutes. If there is continued excessive bleeding, replace with new gauze and bite firmly again. Vigorous mouth rinsing or chewing in the areas of the extraction should be avoided. This may cause increased bleeding, disrupt the sutures, or damage the graft or the implant.

A liquid or soft diet is recommended for the first 24 hours. After 24 hours, you may advance your diet, but take care to avoid chewing directly on the surgical site. Avoid eating hard, crunchy, or spicy foods. Take the prescribed pain medication before the numbness from the local anesthesia wears off.

Restrict your activities on the day of surgery and return to normal activities slowly. Place ice packs on the outside of the face where the sinus grafting was performed. Use ice for the first 48 hours to decrease swelling by applying it as continuously as possible.


Slight bleeding and redness in the saliva are common after sinus grafting surgery. If there is excess bleeding, gently wipe any old clots from the mouth and then place clean new gauze over the area and bite firmly for 30–40 minutes. Repeat every 30–40 minutes with new gauze. If excessive bleeding continues, bite on a cold-water-moistened tea bag firmly for 30–40 minutes. Slowly remove the tea bag and leave the area alone. If there is continued excessive bleeding, call our office for further instructions. Also, avoid excessive talking and excessive chewing if there is continued bleeding.


Swelling is normal after any surgical procedure, including sinus grafting for dental implants. The extent of swelling varies and depends on the extent of the surgery and each individual patient. Swelling around the mouth, jaws, cheeks, and below the eyes is not uncommon. The swelling will usually reach its maximum 2–3 days after the surgical procedure. The swelling can be decreased by the immediate use of ice packs in the first 48 hours. Ice packs should be applied to the outside next to where the surgery was performed. Keep the ice on as continuously as possible. Also, sitting upright and not lying flat on the first day will help to decrease the amount of swelling.


Please refer to the pain medication sheet given to you by our office. The information will provide you with detailed instructions on how to manage post-operative pain and discomfort.

Oral Hygiene

Proper oral hygiene is important because it helps reduce chances of an infection. Very gentle rinsing should begin the day of sinus grafting surgery. If you were given a prescription for mouth rinse, follow the instructions on the prescription. If you were not given one, rinse gently with warm salt water twice daily. You can brush your teeth the day after your sinus grafting surgery, but be careful not to traumatize the area where the surgery was done.


If you had IV sedation or general anesthesia for sinus grafting surgery, liquids should be initially taken. Your diet can then progress to more solids as tolerated; however, take special care to not chew directly on the sinus grafting area until directed otherwise. Ensure adequate fluids and nutrition to prevent dehydration.

Nausea and Vomiting

After IV sedation or general anesthesia for sinus grafting, some patients may feel nauseated and vomit. To help avoid this problem, do not take your medications on an empty stomach. Take sips of clear carbonated liquids such as ginger ale or 7Up®. Hold off on your medications, if possible, until the nausea subsides. Try to stay hydrated with liquids. Sometimes patients feel nauseated from the prescribed pain medications, particularly the stronger pain medications such as hydrocodone or oxycodone (Norco® or Percocet®). Try stopping the pain medications and see if nausea subsides. If you have continued nausea and vomiting, call our office for further instructions.

Bruising and Discoloration

After sinus grafting surgery, some patients may notice bruising or discoloration around the areas of surgery. This is normal post-operatively and can take several days to subside.

Jaw Tightness or Limited Mouth Opening

This is normal following sinus grafting surgery and will improve and resolve over time. On occasion, you may be shown jaw exercises to help increase your jaw opening.

Dizziness or Lightheadedness

After IV sedation or general anesthesia, some patients may feel dizzy when standing up. Always have someone watching you the first 24 hours after sedation. Do not get up quickly from a sitting or lying position and make sure to remain hydrated with fluids.


Smoking can inhibit the healing process and can cause more pain after surgery. To ensure the best post-operative recovery, refrain from smoking for as long as possible after sinus grafting surgery.

If you have any questions or concerns following your sinus grafting procedure, please don’t hesitate to call our office. We are on call 24 hours a day.


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